PMI Comercio Internacional, is subject to the law applicable in his own jurisdiction, his by-laws and the guidelines and resolutions adopted by his board of directors.
Has a Board of Directors and Shareholder meeting, their acting in the best interest of the company, seeking company fulfillment of its corporate purpose and obtaining the largest shareholder’s benefit. The Board and Shareholder members are experienced individuals in the industry of the company and they act independently and without conflict of interest.
Through the management autonomy granted by law and through the principles of PMI Comercio Internacional, the Board of Directors makes decisions that aim for the success of the company.
The Board of Directors of the company has approved general guidelines covering topics that require specific prior approval from the Board. Moreover, the approval of its project portfolio was centralized in accordance with the Guidelines for Project Approval (Lineamientos para la Aprobación de Proyectos). Under these Guidelines, all the company’s projects are ranked by profitability, operational need and alignment with the strategy of PMI Comercio Internacional and Petroleos Mexicanos.
PMI Comercio Internacional, strictly applies the generally accepted accounting national and international principles when integrating his financial documentation and the resulting financial statements are audited by external auditors.
PMI Comercio Internacional´s Code of Conduct is a document describing the basic rights and the minimums standards that all employees agree to follow for their own benefit and of the community.
Codes of Ethics and Conduct
Regulatory framework